Beautiful Walking Meditation

This afternoon, I walked outside to get some fresh air.  On my walking activity, I began to smell a beautiful floral aroma. In awe, I wildly wondered where it was coming from.   Looking over to my left, I saw an arrangement of hydrangea plants with flowers of different colors.   I suddenly felt nostalgic reminding myself of my rose water spray I used to refresh my face yesterday morning. 

 I started using my keen sense of smell, sniffing around this flower garden.  I took a strong whiff of the white flowers.  They smelled lovely but it wasn’t the scent I was attracted to.  Like a hound dog, I kept sniffing around the flowering plants, getting closer to nature with every inhale and exhale.  My curiosity paid off!  At last, I found it. 


It was a special hydrangea plant flowering magnificent shades of fuchsia and hot pink.   The pedals felt bouncy and soft to the touch of my hands. I felt the connection between me and the flower.  Light pink ones were especially fragrant, bringing a gentle smile to my face.  My nostrils were awaiting this final moment of having a smelling party in my nose, and into my aura.  I take one deep breath in filling up my lungs.  I take in the memory of an unforgettable experience.  As I completely let out all the air on my exhale, I release the need to always be serious.  

I was surprised to run into this beautiful landscape.  Gratefully, I was able to pause having an innocent awareness of my surroundings.  This one-centered focus on the pink flower allowed my mind to release distractions.  I was humbled to find myself in the present moment.  The ability to see and smell is magical.  These senses create a multi-color kaleidoscope in my mind. I can step away from my responsibilities, and step into greater flexibility of mind.   What a simple yet beautiful expression of mother nature convincing me to think about something else other than my previous thoughts.

Pink hydrangeas

The pink hydrangea flower is now etched in my beingness. I can close my eyes tonight before I slumber, and imagine the refreshing aroma of sweetness warming my heart.  Flowers growing from the earth, watered by the sky, and nurtured by the sun are truly gifts to humans.  They are here to make us slow down and notice the simple things. Nature brings abundance to our lives.  The floral aroma coming from the pink hydrangea flower is a type of smell that calms my mind.   I will refresh my face tomorrow morning mindfully spraying my face with my rose water mist.  Rose water scent connects with my brain receptors aiding to reset my nervous system.  I will continue to explore the sensation of smelling beautiful aromas like the flower’s innate quality. I can investigate how to slow down to ensure taking breaks from overthinking. 

We need balance.  Being busy, and then being still.  Being serious and then being light hearted.  One side needs the other to find its center. The hard and the soft. The ups and the downs.  The darkness of ignorance, and the light of truth.  Holding on to the past, and then putting the past behind us.  Being here now. 

I can let go….even if it’s for a moment in time.  

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